Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Another week has gone by

I made it through the crazy week last week and half of this week.

I finally got some classes set up on the website and sent out in an email.

This weekend my baby boy turned 19 on the 19th up in Brooklyn. He sounded like he had a good weekend. We are doing fine without him, but missing him.

I have purged the shop like crazy this weekend. There is lots of fabric in the sale bin now. I also worked on the running toilet at the shop and accidentally broke the toilet paper holder off the wall in the process. AGH!

Last night was high school night at baby girl's school. We had to go around the campus to all her classes and meet the teachers. UGH! Didn't get home until 10:30 so of course went to bed way too late.

OK, I hear thunder so need to go deal with dogs before they get wet.

More later!

1 comment:

Kona Bay Fabrics Blog said...

Sounds like you are having lots of fun as a quilt shop owner:):):)

Hope this is a great year fro you!!

Douglas Eagleson
Kona Bay FAbrics